It is a time-consuming task to create a summary of a lengthy Word document. Among the many useful features of Word 2007 is the AutoSummary Tool to create a summary of a Word 2007 document. It gives scores to the sentences consisting of words which are repeatedly used. The sentences which score the maximum points are used to create a summary of a Word 2007 document. You can also utilize the Auto function to create a summary of a Word 2007 document.
You have to start by adding the AutoSummary Tools to the quick access bar. This is how you will achieve that:
Click on the Office Button on the top left corner.
Click on the Word options button at the bottom of the menu

Select Customize from the left hand side of the dialog box that appears.
Select All Commands from the drop-down menu of Choose commands from and scroll down to select the AutoSummary Tools.
Click on the Add button in the middle.
Click on the OK button.

The AutoSummarize icon will now appear on the quick access bar.
In order to create the summary, follow these steps:
Click on the AutoSummarize button from the quick access toolbar and select AutoSummarize from the menu.

The AutoSummarize dialog box will appear. Select from among the four given options.

Click on the OK button.
The option Highlight key points can be used to get the words as well as phrases which are frequently used. You can then create the summary by yourself.

If you choose one of the other three options, Word 2007 will auto generate a summary which can be put on the top of the document, on a new page or just display the summary and hide the rest of the document depending on the option you choose.

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